Tag Archives: healthysnack

Halloween Treats


Who says Halloween snacks need to be bad for you!? You can make fun healthy treats – like these Chatter Teeth 😁  

Kale Chips

Want a healthy snack? Try out making some kale chips. They’re super light, extremely nutritious, and YUMMY!

kale chips done

Start by washing the kale, ripping out all stems, and breaking it into small bite sized pieces. Lay out the kale on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. I sprayed some olive oil on it [using this oil mister] and seasoned with some salt, pepper and garlic salt. I recommend not dripping/drizzling oil over it and using the mister instead; this way it comes out crispy and not soggy – my sister gave me that tip! Very helpful. Crispy and delicious.

kale chips before

Orange you happy!?


Go on. Have an orange! You won’t be sorry. These fruits are delicious and nutritious…………. and SUPER GOOD FOR YOU! We all know they’re full of vitamin C which helps us fight diseases and viral infections; the vitamin C protects cells by neutralizing free radicals (which cause chronic diseases). Oranges are also rich in citrus limonoids, which is proven to help fight different types of cancer. It helps reduce the risk of kidney stones, and boosts your heart health. The dietary fiber in oranges gets your digestives juices flowing (no pun intended) and relieves constipation. The beta-carotene (powerful antioxidants) protects cells from being damaged which protects your skin and prevents signs of aging. Oranges are rich in carotenoid compounds too, which are converted to vitamin A and help create good vision. Oranges alkalize the body, provides smart carbs, and regulates high blood pressure. How about saying AN ORANGE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY instead!? LOVING IT.

Afternoon dessert of Ricotta cheese.


– ¼ cup of Ricotta cheese

– 1 @SteviaintheRaw packet

– 3 Mini Golden @Oreo cookies

Watching #Chopped made me hungry for something delicious, but I didn’t want to have my dinner so early. My mom used to have these kind of ricotta desserts so I thought I’d do the same and throw in some golden oreo flavor. Mixed and mashed. So yummy! #healthyeating #healthysnack #ricottacheese #steviasweetener #lowcalorie #afternoonsnack #choppedmarathon #goldenoreos #portioncontrol #healthybalance

One of my favorite #snacks. @Kindsnacks are #delicious and about the #healthiest bars I’ve seen around! If you haven’t tried one, you definitely should. The best part is they have tons of #flavors! #myfav #kindbars #nuts #vanilla #blueberries #cashews #trythemall #healthybalance #healthysnack #givememore